NOW IN PRESS: Reuben’s Brother’s Sister-in-Law’s Husband: A Novel of the Great Dismal Swamp, by Irving Vanderblock-Wheedle. “Among the current writers of popular novels is Irving Vanderblock-Wheedle” —Commercial Gazette. In this much-anticipated sequel to Spanish Moss, Vanderblock-Wheedle once again returns to the many-layered social world of the Great Dismal Swamp, where men are men and women are not. Like Vanderblock-Wheedle’s other novels (Daisy: A Tale of the Back Yards of Newport News; Robert Clompsworth of the Piedmont; &c.), this is a story filled with narration and dialogue. “Irving Vanderblock-Wheedle is perhaps the best speller among all modern weavers of tales” —Dispatch.