Vandals broke into the still-unfinished Tower Two-Sixty condominium on Forbes Avenue and installed a tastefully carved mahogany railing on the mezzanine level.

This is the thirty-eighth time the construction site has been vandalized since building began, starting with the surreptitious erection of two large Ionic columns shortly after the groundbreaking.

According to police reports, each act of vandalism has been accompanied by a note or “screed” with what officers described as “incoherent rantings about ‘beauty’ and ‘proportion.’”

The notes are variously signed Arzbo, Zorba, Brazo, Zorab, Orbaz, Broaz, Robaz, Orzab, Boraz, and Daniel Burnham, among other names.

Police have not made any arrests, but a source (speaking on condition of anonymity) told the Dispatch that they have a suspect in mind.