For many years, Dr. Boli has not had a specific pri­vacy policy. That is because Dr. Boli does not care who you are. Now, that state­ment could be miscon­strued to sound misan­thropic, so Dr. Boli will clarify what he means: that he does not collect any per­sonally identi­fiable information that you do not choose to give him. He does not track your other activity on the Web and sell the data to his adver­tisers, which may explain the quality of his adver­tisers. He does not compile lists of the sites you have visited before landing here. He knows the number of visits to his site, but he does not know how many of those visits are from Russian spammers. The few cookies set by the WordPress software are generic utility cookies that have nothing to do with tracking. You reveal nothing about yourself by reading this Magazine.

You do reveal something about yourself, however, if you leave a comment. The comment system requires you to leave an email address. It does not require you to leave a valid email address, but it requires you to fill something in the form, which will tell Dr. Boli either what your email address is or how imaginative you are. Commenting will also reveal your IP address, so that your comment can go straight through if you have already made a published comment. Otherwise, the only thing Dr. Boli has ever done with IP addresses was to ban some of them when they sent him a spam comment every ten minutes.

When you leave a comment, you can check the box (“Save my name, email,” etc.) to tell the pub­lishing software to set a cookie in your browser, so that your infor­mation will be already filled in the next time you visit. This is not a tracking cookie of any sort. It is also, regret­tably, not an edible cookie. If you attempt to eat the cookies in your browser, you will be disap­pointed. Dr. Boli uses very simple but effective spam prevention to keep the commer­cially motivated comments away, and this spam prevention does not involve sending your data to outside servers. (But you may not be able to leave a comment in Russian or Bulgarian if Dr. Boli decides to ban the most common letters in the Cyrillic alphabet again, as he did a while ago when the Russian spam was flooding in.)

So this is Dr. Boli’s privacy policy: Dr. Boli does not col­lect per­sonally identi­fiable data unless you choose to comment. If you do choose to comment, he sees your IP address, but otherwise collects exactly as much as you choose to share with him. He does not test to see whether your email address works, and if you provide a ran­domly gen­erated false one, it only means that he will not be able to get in touch with you if he wishes to ask you privately what you were drinking when you left your comment. You can visit the Maga­zine without being tracked by Dr. Boli. He is not responsible for whoever else is tracking you.

An update: Dr. Boli’s secretary thought his European readers might be reassured to know that the site has been examined by professionals and found in compliance with strict European privacy standards. The secretary did not specify what kind of professionals had examined the site, but he is usually reliable.