The number of robot spam comments this site receives is fast approaching two hundred a day. You never see any of them—nor does Dr. Boli, thanks to a clever Ukrainian plugin called Anti-spam, which Dr. Boli earnestly recommends. He knows the figures only because the latest version of the plugin has added a count to the comments page.
The count began at 0 a few weeks ago.
Obviously, someone finds it profitable to bombard the Internet with comments in which links to “louis vuitton sale” are embedded in otherwise irrelevant or meaningless verbiage.
But how is it possible that anyone anywhere ever makes money this way? Intelligent people are not likely to click on a link in an obvious spam comment. Stupid people are not likely to be able to pick out the link in the mass of irrelevant verbiage. Perhaps it is possible to imagine some forlorn soul whose monitor has gone black sitting in his lonely room randomly clicking here and there out of sheer nostalgia for the experience of surfing the Net, but short of such an unlikely situation it is hard to imagine how anyone ever follows those links.
So here is the question: Has anyone here ever spent any money as a result of a spam link in a blog comment? Even one reader here answering in the affirmative would be enough to show that spam comments can be profitable. Are you that one? What were the circumstances? Did you get the thing you paid for? Would you buy it again?