It seems to Dr. Boli that most Web designers think of words as bricks, objects used to build up a visual pattern on the screen. It does not enter into their calculations that words might be meant to convey meaning. To the Web designer, every page might say “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,” and it would be just as good; in fact it would be better, because the text would be predictable, and the visual blocks would never change. WordPress, the software that runs half the Internet and dictates what the other half is trying to be, has decided to enforce this way of looking at text by making every paragraph a separate and distinct “block,” so that an article is now an assortment of textual bricks rather than a connected argument. (Dr. Boli cannot, however, let this glancing reference to the “block editor” pass without expressing his gratitude for the Verse block, which makes it possible to write properly formatted poetry without a knowledge of HTML code.)

Do you think that Dr. Boli is exaggerating when he says that a great number of Web designers do not consider the meaning in the text their designs display? Consider this screenshot from an article at fonts.com about designing for readability (which we confidently publish under the “fair use” doctrine for the purpose of comment and criticism):

Dr. Boli is not exaggerating.