The Brenneman Food Service and Industrial Solvents Corp. of Braddock Heights has canceled its underperforming line of frozen Italian-style meals. According to company insiders, marketing executives had determined that choosing the name of an Italian city at random was the most efficient way of establishing an “Italian” brand identity. Since many of the names of Italian cities are already registered as trademarks for frozen Italian-style dinners, however, the choices were somewhat limited, and the Brenneman line of “Kaltern an der Weinstraße Italian Delights” never succeeded in establishing brand recognition in the marketplace, in spite of bearing the name of an Italian city in the South Tyrol with more than seven thousand inhabitants. The company is still proceeding with its plans to introduce a new line of frozen French-inspired meals, Grosbliederstroff Cuisine Français, named after a French city in the Département de la Moselle.