To make the text searchable, it is transcribed below; and if, by the way, you were wondering about the practicality of a mechanical typewriter in our electronic age, it might reassure you to know that the text above was transcribed automatically by OCR without a single error.
Just in time for International Typewriter Appreciation Month, a good friend of Dr. Boli’s unexpectedly dropped off two fine machines from the golden age of American typewriters. If you were trying to come up with a good working definition of “good friend,” then you might start with “someone who unexpectedly shows up with a fine typewriter” and work from there.
These days it seems as though Dr. Boli is nearly alone in celebrating International Typewriter Appreciation Month. It is not because people have stopped appreciating typewriters. Quite the reverse. When we started celebrating the month more than a decade ago, old typewriters were worthless. Now there are prosperous businesses devoted to restoring them, and manual typewriters are being made in Chinese factories to meet the revived American demand.
Why the revival? Partly, we might suspect, it comes from a growing suspicion that electronic devices are better at preventing work from happening than they are at making our work easier. Are you reading this article right now instead of doing the thing you promised yourself you would get done? A typewriter would not distract you that way.
Perhaps the day is not distant when, once again, every professional writer will have a professional writing machine like this Remington Quiet-Riter. When typewriters are ubiquitous again, they will need no celebrating. But until that time, Dr. Boli is willing to give them a month.