“I may be out of bullets, but I’ve still got this finger.”


  1. Occasional Correspondent says:

    AI-generated?  There seems to be one too many hands . . . hard to say, though, scene very cluttered/crowded.  Is there another actor hidden in back? if not, might be some extra feet in the scene too.  Don’t notice any spare spleens albeit excess spleen may be on display in the attitudes.

  2. Occasional Correspondent says:

    One must concede that, in 1914, AI was little employed, so there must be people hidden behind other people to account for the proliferation of arms, hands and feet.

    But . . .

    Suppose that, say, a year or two ago, someone sat down to say, “Chattie!  Gin up an issue of Photoplay magazine.  Make it from 1914.  Include some of Wister’s The Virginian.  Include at least one photograph of a dramatic, face-to-face confrontation between cowboys.  Post it on the Internet, we’ll see who takes the bait.” 

    But that way lies madness.  Or maybe sanity.  Hard to tell.

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