
This day at the Globe Theatre: Hamlet versus Macbeth: Blood Will Have Blood. Based upon characters created by William Shakespeare.


  1. tom says:

    Borrrrring. I’d go for Mrs. Macbeth vs Ophelia.

  2. Reminds me of the old internet joke that if Hamlet & Othello switched places, the play would be over in five minutes. Apparently originally written by USENET legend and my then-acquaintance, Jordan S. Bassoir.

    Like this:

    (scene 1: The Parapet)

    GHOST: Othello, I am your father.

    OTHELLO: Why do you haunt me?

    GHOST: Your step-father murdered me. You must kill him.

    OTHELLO: Darn tootin!

    (scene 2: The King’s Bedchamber)

    Enter OTHELLO.

    KING: Huh?

    QUEEN: Wha?

    OTHELLO: Die!

    KING: Gurk!


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