Arresting officer: “Uh… This isn’t going to affect the Police Department’s budget for next year, is it, Mr. Mayor?”


  1. Maypo says:

    I believe at least one mayor of Providence RI can speak to that.
    A question for the good Doctor: when I refresh the magazine page, the title header style whimsically changes. However the beautiful background pattern disappointingly stays the same. The bored wonder why?

    • Dr. Boli says:

      Very simple. Eleven years ago, when Dr. Boli cobbled together the “theme” for his site from remnants and duct tape, he adopted some code that randomized the header. He found no similar random-background code lying around unclaimed.

      Even though most of the work was done already by much better coding minds, putting together the theme for this site was such a slog that Dr. Boli has resisted doing much to it for more than a decade, which means that it dates from the Jurassic era of the Internet. Eventually it will simply cease to work and have to be scrapped, but so far, except for a few minor CSS alterations, it has held together untouched.

  2. Maypo says:

    Ah, that makes perfect sense. I’ve made a fine career slogging through code but am near the date where I will retire from slogging adventures. I do not begrudge those who resist the slog.

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