A wallpapered room

Are you a house-restorer looking for colored pictures of interiors decorated they way they were when the house you are restoring was built?

Are you a graphic designer looking for ideas for repeating patterns?

Are you a website owner looking for a colorful background to show off your questionable taste in design?

Are you an interior decorator curious about those barbarous days when interiors admitted other colors than beige and off-white?

Are you just nebby?

No matter which of those categories you fall into (and if you fall into none of the others, you surely must fall into the last), you will want to take a look at the latest page in the Eclectic Library, where we have assembled a large collection of catalogues and sample books of wallpaper. This is your chance to catch a glimpse of an alternate universe in which interiors need not be decorated in neutral colors. Spend an hour among these pictures, and your everyday world will seem joyless and drab. But rejoice! You can do something about that! A can of paint, a bucket of paste, and a few rolls of wallpaper can place you among the Edwardian gentility.