Sir: I was reading the real-estate transactions in the Dispatch, and I came across an item in which a parcel of land was sold by Ms. X to Mr. Y, the mineral rights not included.
I had thought we were living in an enlightened age. I had thought we had grown beyond the dark days of medievalism when property owners could run roughshod over any entity they considered a lesser being. I had thought we had amended our laws to take into account our superior understanding of the natural rights of all entities.
But no! Here in the twenty-first century, it is completely legal to ignore the rights of minerals, as if they were inanimate objects! It is quite hunkydory with the law to treat minerals as no better than mere objects to be exploited as we please!
Well, this is where someone has to take a stand. I am going to make it my business to see to it that mineral rights are respected, and I shall do it by means that have proved themselves effective. I have commissioned a specially printed bumper sticker, printed in plant-based ink no less, and as soon as I find something unobjectionable to stick it on everybody will know. —Sincerely, Esmeralda Stone, Point Breeze.