Your new investment expert.
Dear Dr. Boli: I just got a letter from Investomat, a company that describes itself as “a registered investment adviser and on-line technology provider.” Investomat claims to work with my broker to provide me with investment advisory services, which is news to me, because I thought my broker came up with his advice by getting roaring drunk and throwing darts at a list of companies on the wall of his office. They say they’re sending me this letter to provide a summary of material changes to their company, and my first problem was that I couldn’t figure out what material they were talking about. But that’s not the main thing. The main thing is that I had trouble understanding this sentence: “Investomat, Inc., the parent company of Investomat, was acquired by affiliates of vehicles managed or advised by Trade-O-Rama Capital Private Equity, LP,” and a date and some other stuff, but when I got to the “vehicles” part my brain stopped processing, and I was wondering whether you think I should bail out of the stock market altogether. What does it mean? —Sincerely, Trust-Fund Tillie, the Belle of Blawnox.
Dear Madam: It means that your investments are now managed by an assortment of people associated with a 1983 Ford Escort, so you have nothing to worry about. The Escort has about as good a record as anyone else at predicting the fluctuations of the stock market, and it has the advantage of being more economical to operate than other antique vehicles.