James Joyce spent many years revising and rewriting Finnegans Wake. Recently the literary world was all aflutter at the news that a single manuscript page, left out of the final version, had been discovered in a locked desk drawer at the James Joyce Museyroom in Sandycove. Naturally this Magazine outbid all rivals for the exclusive privilege of printing this newfound fragment.
Inthis pilgrim age, travailing in travel, abroad aboard the SS Peter & Paul, circumpolambulating the sevensea Ossian, they put in and they pulled out at Banglelore (thricelegendary bizarre bazaar of every danglebangle), Ethiopia (Abyssinia, in all those old familiar places), Norfolk, Suffolk, Effolk, and Weffolk, till dazed they were and dazedagain (redazed) (redeezed) (rediced) (redosed) (reduced). Paleandwan, wanandpale were they, paleandpale makes paler, wanandwan makes tu. Hot Chestnuts for Everywan! Smiling at the grim ace, drinkingtheir sovereigntea, upmounted the shells higherly into a veritabobble ALP, a grievousgreat load of shells, but the Load ALPs them what ALPs themselves. Now, patience; and remember patience is the great thing, and above all things else we must avoid anything like being or becoming out of patience, you idiots. We reek-oh of Vico in
At the bottom of the page is a long and apparently critical scrawl signed by someone named Nola or Nora or some such name. Most of it is illegible, and what is legible is unprintable.