Constant Reader in Connoquenessing. The socks are worn under the shoes because the shoes do a better job of protecting the socks than the socks would do of protecting the shoes.

Budding Artist. Burnt sienna is sold prepared in tubes, whether oil, acrylic, gouache, or watercolor, so there is no need for you to obtain a sienna yourself and set fire to it.

Anonymous, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, city withheld. The only antidote to human mortality is the belief that one will die reconciled to one’s Maker, and all will be well in the next life; or perhaps the certainty that one will leave a spotless reputation to inspire future generations to emulate one’s example. Or you could try not to think about it. That might cheer you up.

April Showers. Origami is a delicate art requiring skill and practice, and therefore probably not suitable for your Labradoodle.

Wondering in Wilmerding. Unfortunately, the fact that someone is paid a living wage for writing does qualify him to call himself a professional writer, regardless of what you think of his output.

Bighouse Bill. If you are a good swimmer; otherwise, as you point out, you have only thirty-four months to go, and you might as well settle in.

Aunt Bertha of Bellevue. It is considered proper to wear team colors in a wedding party only if your team is in the playoffs; otherwise, you should consider yourself bound by the bride’s decision.


  1. The Mad Soprano says:

    Reference to Burnt Sienna…Has Dr. Boli been watching Bob Ross videos lately?

  2. Meowchelangelo Purisi da Catavaggio says:

    RE Burnt Sienna,

    For conservation purposes, only part of the Italian city of Siena is immolated at any one time by expert arsonists, to give the rest of the city time to grow back. A street or two every year is more than enough to supply international pigment demand, at negligible costs to tourism and human life.

    If just any artist could burn down Sienese buildings whenever they wanted, this valuable resource would be swiftly depleted. Then we would perhaps be reduced to burning Milan, which, I am informed by excellent sources, makes pigment of a most inferior quality.

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