May 5, 1805.

[Clark.] i am riting in the Jernal this Evning becaus Lewis cant spel wirth a Durn. We left Fort Claptrap in the Morening very hungary, & Lewis said we ott to hunt Dear, but the Dear in this Contrie are Armd with Carbines & make por Sport, so we were very hungary untill Diner, when falling in with Nativs of the Sha-la-la Nation, we were conduckted to their large double-wide house, where they servd us a Repast of long ropes of Grane flower, which in their Tung they call Spag-het-tee. i observ that heere grow the Apples commun to our contrie, except that heere the Apples are of a Yello culler & ob-long shape, & hang in grate Clustres: so they tolled me, but i never saw the Trees, & firthermore i observ that the Apples hav markes on their Skinns with the word Chi-qui-ta, which is the Sha-la-la goddis of Frute. Lewis spent the Evning makeing a confounded Fule of himself over the Cheef’s pretty Daugter, but she payed him no Nevermined, & had ize onely for Me. lodgd last Nite at a grate house kept by the Sha-la-las for Wayfairers, which in their Tung is called Mo-tel-six.

[Lewis.] I hav started my own Jornil becos Clark cant spel wurth a Dern. Our accomadasions at Fort Claptrap beeing nun of the Best, wee left erly & preepared to hunt dere; but Clark beeing the grosse Cowerd he is turnd tale & ran at his 1st site of a Buck, & made sutch a Noyse about it that the dere wer Spookt & wee had no meet. In this contree I note that the Rocks gro to a Prodijus size, which I atribute to the nattural Feccunditty of the soyl. There is also a kind of boosh or Tree whitch gros long fybers whitch in the Sha-la-la langwidge are named Spag-gitty, & whitch the natives cook & eat with a Soss made of tomayters. I hav not seen the Tree, but we et the fybers last Eevning with a friendly tribe of Sha-la-las, who also gave us sum Froot cald in theyre langwidge Ba-na-na-na, whitch is theyre word for plum. Clark embarist hisself makeing Gew-gew eyes at the dauhter of the Chefe all nite, but she ignord him & made eyes at me insted.