Piano-Wire Spaghetti with Lava Balls.
Hornet Salad.
Shale Muesli with Gravel.
Thistle Fritters.
Hot Pepper and Vinegar Lemon Smoothie.
Icepicks au Gratin.
Macaroni and Cheese with the Queen Consort of Lesotho Looking Over Your Shoulder.
Edited by H. Albertus Boli, LL.D.
Piano-Wire Spaghetti with Lava Balls.
Hornet Salad.
Shale Muesli with Gravel.
Thistle Fritters.
Hot Pepper and Vinegar Lemon Smoothie.
Icepicks au Gratin.
Macaroni and Cheese with the Queen Consort of Lesotho Looking Over Your Shoulder.