
  1. Joseph Moore says:

    One, our hope and despair.
    My pain is your pain too.

    There is a sort of recursive brilliance to a song that renders its own lyrics true. Some of them anyway.

  2. von Hindenburg says:

    I’d still rather hear this at every mass from Easter to Advent than sit through one with the praise band. Though, I am happy to say that mass at our parish this last Sunday opened with “Holy, Holy, Holy” and closed with “Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones”. After all, if Anglicanism can cherry pick the best parts of Catholicism, why shouldn’t we respond in kind?

  3. Mary says:

    An unusually graphic item for this magazine, I must say. Is truth in journalism to devolve into mere bludgeoning of the reader with the undiluted horrors of life? We educated readers know of the existance of this noxious underbelly of society, but we prefer to keep such things firmly in the gutter where they belong.

    (I jest. ;-)

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