The Generall Historie of Virginia

On this day in 1606, the Virginia Company was incorporated in London for the purpose of exploiting the British possessions in North America. The most recent annual report cautions shareholders to brace themselves for a four hundred eighteenth consecutive unprofitable fiscal year.


  1. tom says:

    Now this is what a proper book should look like. Just try to do something like that on Word.

  2. KevinT says:

    Interesting that Commodities, Government, Customs, and Religion (singular?) are capitalized, but people are not.

  3. Occasional Correspondent says:

    Unprofitable, maybe, but any year-over-year increase in gross revenues?  I’ve heard that this “Virginia” is a going concern, they must be able to extract something from it.

  4. Richard says:

    After so many unprofitable years, they should re brand as digital entrepreneurs and their stock will skyrocket.

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