No. 1.—The Great Fan.

There once was a man
Who called himself Stan
With a marvelous plan
For a thirty-foot fan.
What became of his plot
I’m afraid I know not:
For he lived in a spot
That’s not terribly hot.
Instead of the tropics,
Where fans are hot topics,
He lived up in Iceland,
A perfectly nice land
Where no one demanded
To be briskly fanneded.
If they thought him a crank,
He’d the climate to thank.


  1. Neil Obstat says:

    Now it’s terribly hot
    In that Icelandic spot
    The volcano now spews
    Hot ash over you’s
    So good for old Stan
    He’ll be needing that fan

  2. Martha says:

    So that is the man
    Whose nefarious plan
    Produced the giant fan
    That our airspace o’erran
    With volcano’s ashy van
    Let us all blame Stan!

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