Esarhaddon, King of Assyria. With the discovery of numerous documents and inscriptions from Esarhaddon’s reign, we now have enough historical data to form a relatively complete biography of this powerful and ruthless monarch. The results have been disappointing, lacking in the tragedy and epic sweep one looks for in a good royal biography. Dr. Boli has therefore wisely ignored the facts and constructed this fascinating biography along the lines suggested by his own unerring instincts. This is the vivid and compelling story of Esarhaddon, not as he was, but as he ought to have been. Quarto, 352 pp.

Dr. Boli’s Field Manual of Mineralogy. From his extensive observations of mineral behavior in the wild, Dr. Boli compiles a work, at once scholarly and popular, that lays bare the fascinating secret lives of the mineral kingdom around us. Learn what rocks, stones, ores, and crystals are doing and saying behind our backs. Handy size for field study. 12mo, 284 pp.