(Continuing the narrative that began here.)

Part 3.

Letter the Third: Miss Amelia Purvis to Miss Honoria Wells.

Dearest Honoria,—

George has made it his Habit to send me the Gossip current in London:—A Boon for which I own I most importunately begged him when he left for the Metropolis. I know my Brother, & therefore know that he would not willingly repeat that Labor, which he has expended on his Letters to me (for I may tell you candidly, as I know you will forgive his small Failings, and rather love him the More for ’em, that his Letters to me are writ once and never copied, as I can see by the Multitude of Scribbles and Corrections). I know furthermore, That his Letters to you must be filled with such Expressions of Devotion as must occur to him when he addresses his beloved Wife to be. Considering which Facts, I have made Copies of his two most recent Letters to me, in the hope of relieving the Dulness of which you complain. The Subject may entertain you: For we have News from George of the latest Folly in London, of which you may have heard, or read, if the Papers have made their Way to you, as they do to us (my Father taking particular Care that the Interlocutor shall be brought to him with every Stage-coach). It is a Kind of Machine built in the Shape of a Woman, for what Purpose none can guess, unless it be to make up the Deficiency of Women in the Capital caused by the large Number of ’em who, like us, are left to rot in the Country for the Duration of the Season. What is George’s Connexion to this curious Object I shall leave him to narrate: Wherefore I now take my Leave of you, whom I delight to call my Sister, and subscribe myself,

Ever your faithful Friend,


Letter the Fourth: Sir George Purvis to Miss Honoria Wells.

My esteemed Honoria,

London at this Season is a mere Catalogue of Dulness, which, tho’ your Presence would doubtless enliven it, yet I would not wish upon you, whom I have always held in the highest Regard. You may depend upon’t when I say, That you are better entertained, and what is more happier, in the Country: Where I would fain join you, did not certain small but necessary Articles of Business detain me here. In a few Months I shall have the Privilege of seeing you in Person: Until which Time I have the Honor to remain

Your obedient Servant,


Continue to Part 4.