Culinary Supplement.
Cinnamon. The common spice cinnamon is made from the bark of a tree. Any tree will do, as long as cinnamon flavoring is added at some point in the process.
Food Supplements. A recent study suggests that the need for food supplements can be entirely eliminated by eating food instead.
Honey. There is no telling what bees might accomplish with their honey if we didn’t keep taking it away from them.
Nutmeg. In spite of its name, “nutmeg” is neither a nut nor a meg.
Oatmeal. Not until the latter nineteenth century was oatmeal considered fit for human consumption. Until then, it was merely fed to oats, as its name implies.
Pasta. Most of the Italian names for different kinds of pasta (such as vermicelli, “little worms,” and mostaccioli, “little mustaches”) are positively disgusting in translation. There is a reason why real Italians refer to all pasta as “macaroni.”
Sponge Cake. It is always better to make one’s own sponge cake, as store-bought sponge cakes are no longer made with real sponge.
Latest Score.
At Halftime: Unspeakable 42, Ineffable 13.