


  1. This is one reason why coulrophobia exists.

  2. Dear Dr. Boli:

    What do they mean when they say: “lunchmeat of the Gods”? Also, when you “cut a rug” should you cut on the bias?

    — confused in Carlisle

  3. R. Sullivan says:


    Growing up, I was always taught that only a Berber should be cut on the bias. The rest you just give a trim. Hope that helps,

    -R. Sullivan

  4. mrsdarwin says:

    I was present when Bozar recited “Jerzy Grotowski and the Theatre of Cruelty” at Octagon Pavilions, a spectacular event from which a number of spectators were carried out in stitches.

  5. Jeff says:

    I am just concerned about the status of The Great Blando who has disappeared from the public eye after the riots at Heptagon Garden. Sure, there is great disgrace in reading and not reciting Probst, but I did not anticipate his demise to be this rapid and complete.

    I have always had the impression that Bozar the Clown and his performances could only be classified as amateur when compared to The Great Blando.

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