Use this worksheet to determine whether you are eligible to file Form 67397-M-EZ.
1. Is your adjusted net flexible income less than $36,398, but not less than $36,164?
Yes — Continue to Question 2.
No — You are not eligible to file Form 67397-M-EZ.
2. When you brush your hair, do you part it on the left?
Yes — Continue to Question 3.
No — Go back to Question 1.
3. Are you now, or have you ever been, a member of the Rotary Club, the Future Farmers of America, the Greater South Hills Council of Wiccans, the United States Congress, or any similar organization?
Yes — Skip Question 4 and continue to Question 5.
No — Continue carefully to Question 4.
4. Is your sun sign Sagittarius?
Yes — You are perceptive and honest, with a strong independent streak. Although you have a well-developed sense of pride, you are always ready to recognize the accomplishments of others. You may be somewhat shy with the opposite sex, but you have a very attractive personality, if you can find the right circumstances to let it shine out. You are not eligible to file Form 67397-M-EZ.
No — Continue to Question 5.
5. Are you aware that there is no such form as Form 67397-M-EZ?
Yes — Go back to Question 1.
No — You are not eligible to file Form 67397-M-EZ.
6. Have you carefully read every question before going on to the next one?
Yes — Then how did you get to Question 6?
No — No matter how fast you try to blaze through this worksheet, you are still not eligible to file Form 67397-M-EZ.