THERE IS NOTHING Dr. Boli values so much as a sincere compliment. He lives, in fact, on nothing but goodwill and Yunnan tea, a diet to which he attributes the remarkable vigor he enjoys at his advanced age. The meager scraps of commendation that trickle in from around the world are enough to keep him satisfied, for he believes in moderation in all things. One recent correspondent, however, spread such a lavish banquet of praise that the most gluttonous appetite must have been satiated long before reaching the end of the comment. Dr. Boli takes the liberty of reproducing some of that comment here, though stripped of the links to medical products of which Dr. Boli is happy to be able to say he has no need.
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There is much more in the same vein; the original comment ran to 2,290 words, or four pages in American letter size of single-spaced type (without the spaces between paragraphs that Dr. Boli’s secretary has helpfully added for legibility’s sake).
Dr. Boli is always happy to know that his readers find his humble magazine glorious, or that it assisted them a ton. Even Dr. Boli, however, has his limits; praise that is too fulsome and effusive tends to give him difficulties with his digestion, which, if he were not so familiar with the symptoms from similar episodes in the past, he might well have mistaken for Aquired Pulmonary Hypertensioneatment. He therefore asks that his readers limit their praise to such ordinary and moderate effusions as can be contained within five hundred words or so.