AN ELEVATOR IN the Benedum-Trees Building goes only up.
It has been well established by ornithologists that barn swallows do not build their own barns, but no one knows how the barns have come to be.
Every morning since November 3, 1946, guards opening up the City-County Building for the day’s business have found a single sterling-silver seafood fork on the mat just inside the left-hand door.
It was said that the late Rev. Herbert Clang of St. Ronald’s could levitate, but only in the small hours of the morning, and that he used his miraculous powers to change burnt-out light bulbs in the sanctuary.
No one knows why Madder Purple is so much angrier than the other colors in the paintbox.
A parrot raised from birth by Ms. Edwina Trundle of Troy Hill speaks only Malayalam, though Ms. Trundle herself is unacquainted with the language.
At some time on the morning of April 4, 1978, three custard-filled doughnuts left in the office refrigerator by Mr. Wendell H. Wendell disappeared without a trace. They have never been seen again.