ARE YOU READY to introduce your children to gnostic theology, but still looking for educational materials that will compete with popular entertainment for the attention of their addled little brains? The new four-color comic book from the Gnostic Tract Society is just what you’ve been looking for.  The Adventures of Achamoth Outside the Pleroma is a rip-roaring tale of enlightenment suitable for children from 6 to 14. You will be surprised how well the comic book, as a literary genre, adapts to the expression of gnostic theological principles. Send for your free copy today. Gnostic Tract Society, Point Breeze.


  1. Greybeard says:

    Since Gnosticism is a religion of special knowledge, those who really need to know about this would already know. Therefore I must assume that this announcement came from some sort of wacko fringe group trying to undermine true gnosticism. I know.

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