This evening at Holy Republic Nondenominational Church in Cranberry, Dr. Orbin S. Thicke, Ph.D., fellow of the Institute for Noachian Studies, will confound the evolutionists with the one question they dare not answer, in a lecture entitled “What Did House Wrens Do Before There Were Houses?” The public is welcome, and godless atheists are particularly invited to attend, as long as they know how to dress appropriately. The lecture begins promptly at 7 p.m. and will be followed by a short performance featuring the Holy Republic Intelligent Design Handbell Choir.


  1. Jared says:

    Handbells are a rebuke to evolutionary theory, for in any system dominated by survival of the fittest, such an instrument could never prevail. Dr. Thicke’s thesis is, however, less compelling, for evolutionists simply posit that house wrens evolved from a less advanced species of cave wrens, which in turn evolved from primordial wrens, with which there was once some confusion involving the Apatosaurus.

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