Mosaic from the Temple of Astarte

Mosaic from the Temple of Astarte, Carthage.

On this day in 202 b.c., the Romans conquered Carthage.

On this day in a.d. 439, the Vandals conquered Carthage from the Romans.

The moral to be drawn from these events is that October 19 is a very bad day to be in Carthage.


  1. violet says:

    Classic! Awesome!

  2. paul says:

    A bad pun is always worth repeating, so I am re-submitting my bad pun (paraphrased from the original due to my poor memory – the original was better) from days ago which didn’t get posted.

    “Carthage’s big mouth has been known to create a gulf between itself and its neighbors who have become annoyed with its constant baying.”

    Please don’t delete me this time Dr. Boli.

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