St. Britney Parish invites the entire community to the annual St. Britney Summer Blast, featuring gambling, booze, and gluttony to your heart’s content. Commit your sins, confess them, and receive absolution in one handy location! Or, for our separated brethren from the Lutheran, Baptist, Methodist, and Presbyterian churches in the neighborhood, just dig your hole deeper.

City police would like to remind the community that crime can affect any one of us at any time. If you have any valuables at home, you are invited to register them with the District 19 police station, specifying the items, their value, and their exact locations in your house, including any combinations or other locking mechanisms needed to gain access to them, so that police will be able to protect them efficiently in the event of an emergency.

The next Community Adopt-a-Rhinoceros Day will be held at the Food Festival supermarket Saturday from 9 a.m. to noon. Last month’s Adopt-a-Rhinoceros Day was not quite as successful as we had hoped. Won’t you please consider opening your home to an animal in need?

The 1400 block of Bland Street will be closed Friday for resurfacing. It will also be closed next Tuesday for repairs to the low-bidding contractor’s resurfacing.

Children’s Story Time is every Tuesday from 3:30 to 4:30 at the Blandville Branch Library. This month we are reading Finnegans Wake by James Joyce, the well-known juvenile writer.