


  1. David Poecking says:

    Yo! You are a…you are a….

    Does the Photoshop generation even know what an aura is, to say nothing of the Age of Aquarius?

  2. Clay Potts says:

    And, now buried deep in the Local Interest Page of the Newspaper:

    A Little Pittsburgh Trivia: Did You Know?

    The longest and fastest drum roll in history was recorded during the City of Pittsburgh’s Troy Hill Neighborhood’s 1901 Labor Day Parade, when the Bass Drummer’s shoulder harnesses snapped at the top of Rialto Street.

    You can walk from shore to shore under the Allegheny River without holding your breath or getting wet.

    Iron City Beer’s founder was named, Rusty Kahn.

    Three Rivers Stadium Cost approximately $35 Million to build and $5.1 million to demolish, while the Steelers’ new stadium, Heinz Field, was built for four quarters, and the Pirate’s new baseball field, PNC Park, was built for nine bucs.

    Now that the Pittsburgh Pirates beat the Cincinnati Reds in last night’s Wild Card Game, the Bucs now move on to play the Cardinals, their St. Louis Arch Enemies.

  3. pgk says:

    Wiktionary has “auric” as the adjective relating to an aura. “Aural” may mean either (usually) relating to the ears, or (strictly Latinatelly) relating to gold. There does not appear to be common usage in which it means relating to an aura.

  4. pgk says:

    Actually, sorry, “auric” is the properly Latinate way to say “der’s gold in dat der thingie.” But it can also mean “dat dere’s got sumtin to do witha sorta aura type thing.”

    I apologize for any confusion.

  5. Martin the Mess says:

    Heh, was about to say, Mr. or Ms. PGK, that a certain Mr. Auric Goldfinger might take issue with your etymology.

  1. […] Dr. Boli would like to help you with your aura, and, in “A Useful Reference that Does Not Exist,” both tries to aid his fellow man and […]

  2. […] Dr. Boli would like to help you with your aura, and, in “A Useful Reference that Does Not Exist,” both tries to aid his fellow man and […]

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