Dumont Network: Harsh Words (crime drama). The hit Dumont drama that pairs a by-the-book cop with a cold but beautiful forensic etymologist. Tonight: A shopkeeper in Dr. Skeat’s block is found murdered after egregiously misusing the apostrophe, and Dr. Skeat herself is detained as a suspect.
The Brimstone Channel: The Jesus Show, with the Reverend Bob-Bob Lee (religion). Tonight: Why Jesus hates capital-gains taxes.
Northern Broadcasting System: Giggles and Sins (crime drama). The hit drama that pairs a by-the-book cop with an architectural-historian clown. Tonight: When a notorious pigeon-hater is killed by the falling head of a telamon on the Park Building, Bozar suspects fowl play.
Metromedia: Al ’n’ Me (comedy). The wacky adventures of best buddies Alexander and Hephaestion as they look for new worlds to conquer. Tonight: The boys’ wives keep pestering them, so Al and Hephaestion decide to teach them a good lesson by letting them run the empire for a while.
Wolf Broadcasting Corporation: Fries with That (reality). The hot reality show that takes ten new college graduates, puts them in dead-end jobs, and leaves them there forever. Tonight: Brice doesn’t realize the call-center computer has dialed his cell-phone number and sells himself an extended warranty on his 1993 Plymouth Sundance.
The Okapi Channel: Okapi News and Information (public affairs). Programming of interest to okapis.