Dr. Boli was a little bit surprised by the spectacle of two frequent correspondents engaged in what came as close to a “flame war” as it is possible to imagine among such a sophisticated audience. His natural instinct in such circumstances is to duck. Nevertheless, to prevent one commenter from being unnecessarily offended by another, it might be wise to formulate a comment policy, so that the readers of this august publication may have an idea of what to expect. Such a formulation is by no means easy, because it involves knowing one’s audience, and Dr. Boli has never bothered to aim for a particular audience. Nevertheless, after due consideration, Dr. Boli has decided that the intended audience for his Magazine is responsible adults, and that therefore comments more suitable for sniggering adolescents or giggling schoolchildren may be edited or removed. Dr. Boli himself is offended by very little, but he has his more delicate readers to consider, and does not wish to be held responsible for any dangerous attacks of the vapors.