
“Did you know,” asks Wikipedia, “that  that the New Testament narratives of the mocking of Jesus are filled with irony?”

Did you know, by the way, that Wikipedia is also filled with irony, intentional and otherwise?

Just for example, it is hard to believe that someone was not indulging in a little intentional sarcasm with this entry in today’s “Did you know” list. Did you know that people use irony when they’re making fun of other people? Who woulda thought? It’s, like, totally unexpected. We’re flabbergasted here at Wikipedia, honestly we are.

The Wikipedia article goes on, of course, to talk about the Gospel writers’ keen use of meta-irony, coming very close to portraying Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John as snarky twenty-first-century bloggers. So there is also the additional little sarcastic touch of presenting the conclusions of modern literary criticism as facts that are objects of “knowledge.”

In fairness to Wikipedia editors, however, we should point out that there are times when the “Did you know” feature really seems to be doing its job:

Did you know that Joaquín Gutiérrez, a popular children’s book author from Costa Rica, created a false identity for Soviet spy and future assassin Iosif Grigulevich?

Now there is a fact worth knowing! Unfortunately, Dr. Boli cannot bring himself to read the article it points to, because he knows it cannot possibly live up to his own imagination. He would very much like to see a Cold War movie, though, where the villain is KGB super-spy and assassin Iosif Grigulevich, codename Bunny Fuzzikins.