
Learn to Talk a Long Time


  1. Steven A. Knowlton says:

    Dear Dr. Boli:

    Several of us are preparing an article on running meetings, for publication in Tennessee Libraries, the journal of the Tennessee Library Association. May we use your advertisement for the Mastery of Indefinitely Prolonged Speech Academy, with attribution, as an illustration of the outcomes to be avoided?

    Steve Knowlton

    • Dr. Boli says:

      You are welcome to use it, although Dr. Boli does not understand why it represents outcomes to be avoided. Is not total control the object of participating in a meeting? Did not the Bolsheviks use these very techniques to take over every socialist organization in the early twentieth century?

      But yes, you are welcome to use it, and if Dr. Boli could see the article when it is finished, it would make him very happy.

  2. Steve Knowlton says:

    Dear Dr. Boli:

    Our article has now been published, at Thank you for your kind permission to use the illustration.

    Yours truly,
    Steve Knowlton

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