It is difficult to find any particular thing if you are looking for it, but you can find the most wonderful and delightful things if you are not looking for anything in particular.

This was a thought that came to Dr. Boli as he was adding a few items to his collection of illustrations.

(The cartoon above was published in 1888.)


  1. TheRealAaron says:

    I couldn’t find the name of the artist who drew this piece. It bears a strong resemblance in my memory to how the illustrator of the original Wonderful Wizard of Oz drew the Tin Woodsman. The timeframe seems about right for it to be the same person.

    • Dr. Boli says:

      The original illustrator of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz was W. W. Denslow, who was certainly alive and working in 1888 when the cartoon above was printed. Mr. Denslow usually signed his work, but he might not have done so early in his career. To Dr. Boli’s eye, the cartoon above seems a little hastier than Mr. Denslow’s usual work, without the attention to composition that marks a Denslow illustration. But, again, that attention could be a thing that came with time.

  2. Maypo says:

    Perusing the collection of illustrations, and coming across “Who Said Mildred Harris Can’t Act?” raises a question: Who Said Mildred Harris Can’t Act?

    And why did this magazine feel compelled to “prove” that she can?

    • Dr. Boli says:

      It was often suggested that Mildred Harris owed her employment in the movies to her brief marriage to Charlie Chaplin, rather than to any ability of her own.

  3. Sean says:

    George Will would approve.

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