
Tonight on the Alan Sundry Show:

Archbishop Fulton Sheen
and his dancing poodles!

Frank Gehry
assembles an IKEA bookcase!

Vladimir Putin
sings his hit single,
“I Guess I’ll Have to Change My Plan”!

Enoch Witherburton and His
Not Labeled for Individual Sale Orchestra perform Mahler’s Lied von der Erde
in fox-trot tempo!

On the Dumont Network Tonight


  1. Joseph Moore says:

    Gehry assembling an IKEA bookcase is just the sort of humor that keeps me coming back. The flipside – IKEA selling bookcases designed by Gehry – is also an amusing thought. 200% more material that is necessary, only certain books fit, the rest fall off. But it looks so cool!

  2. KevinT says:

    The Gehry bookcase could be paired in one’s office with a Frank Lloyd Wright “Falling Watercooler” – a beautiful, angular appliance in Prairie style, but with an annoying tendency to leave puddles on the floor.

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