Q. I’ve been getting the Blue Screen of Death more often since I upgraded to Windows 11. Is there any way to make that less likely to happen in the future?
A. No.
Q. Windows updates often break features or functions of important software on my computer. Is there an easy way to prevent Windows from updating itself?
A. No.
Q. Is there a good way to transfer large folders of files from my Windows computer to my Android phone?
A. No.
Q. Sometimes Windows loses track of my desktop wallpaper and substitutes the wallpaper from a different desktop. Is there any way to prevent that from happening?
A. No.
Q. Windows always gets slower and slower over the course of a year or so until eventually it has to be reinstalled. Is there any way to keep Windows running efficiently without bogging down like that?
A. No.
Q. I set my computer to suspend after ten minutes, but Windows often ignores that setting, and, come to think of it, a lot of other settings I set. Am I doing something wrong?
A. No. Here in Redmond, we refer to the “Settings” app as the “Suggestion Box.”
Q. There’s this feature in the current version of Windows that’s really useful to me. Will it still be available after the next Windows update?
A. Is it something you really like a lot?
Q. Yes.
A. Is it something you’ve grown to depend on because it makes your life so much easier?
Q. Yes, that’s it exactly.
A. Then no.