
Wanted: Experimental subjects for a new study of human gullibility. Participants will receive payment of $19.3 million at completion, plus a date with celebrity of subject’s choice. Apply in person to Duck Hollow University, Economics Department, and bring bank-account information so that payment can be deposited directly. You will need your Social Security number for positive identification.


  1. KevinT says:

    I am mildly surprised that this human-subject experiment passed muster with Duck Hollow University’s Institutional Review Board. At the very least, the use of the word “gullibility” should have been changed to something less pejorative, such as “perception”.

  2. Occasional Correspondent says:

    In the well-set trap, the hunter must offer bait attractive to the desired game yet unattractive to off-target bycatch.  Er, I meant study, not trap.  And recruiter, not hunter.

    I am surprised by an omission, that “Due to overbooking of facilities, enrollment will be held at an off-campus location.”  Or perhaps this is due to “security regulations” or “Covid-19 distancing” or “pesky IRB micromanagement”.

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