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  1. Joseph Moore says:

    Marmot, Sciuridae, et al., Marmota monax and the quantification of forest product propulsion: exactly how much wood could a woodchuck chuck? The Journal of Speculative Zoometrics, July 2022.

    • Occasional Correspondent says:

      About a cord and a half (see Theodore, Simon, Alvin, Lumbering On, 1959, Chipmunk U. Press)

  2. Belfry Bat says:

    E. von Braun, Exploding the Transgressive: a novel rocket fuel Annalen der Annalektische, Kalends Aprilis 2035

  3. John Salmon says:

    Ionnaddis, John, “Only Two Percent of Research Papers Are Better than Wild Assed Guesses from Your Kid Brother”. Readers Digest Condensed Research Conpendium. Chief journal advertiser-Eagle Brand Condensed Milk.

  4. Jerome Wildeberg says:

    Zimmerman, Robert Allen. “Lapidation as Acquisition: A Universal Imperative; or, Everybody Must Get Stoned.” Journal of Diurnal Precipitation and Femininity, Nos. 12 & 35. 1966.

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