On this day in 1939, for the first time in history, an American football game was shown on television. It is estimated that perhaps as many as a thousand television sets were tuned in to see Fordham defeat Waynesburg. Dr. Boli offers this information to any owners of time machines who are looking for a turning point in history that might be turned in the opposite direction, in the hope that they will have the imagination to conceive of a world without football games on television.


  1. Occasional Correspondent says:

    Already done — wound up with badminton games on television.  You might think you could just choose to not watch, but in this timeline, the Mandatory Minimum Television Viewing Act of 1957 pretty much forced the issue.  Fortunately this timeline was pinched off after the election (re-election) of a populist demagogue and chronic felon to a non-sequential second term as Premier (the name of this timeline’s USA for its combo head-of-state/chief-executive office).

  2. tom says:

    Does anyone still watch “tele-vision?”

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