This is a turkey standing in a cemetery. Why did it come to a cemetery? To get to the Other Side.
In Australia, the main Thanksgiving dish is traditionally roast emu. This explains why Thanksgiving has not been celebrated in Australia since 1938, the emu being a tricky fellow to roast.
In Canada, Thanksgiving is celebrated a month earlier than in the United States, while it is still possible to thaw a frozen turkey in the Canadian climate.
In Argentina, Thanksgiving is celebrated at the end of the annual turkey roundup. It is traditional that more gauchos than turkeys are injured in the event.
In Turkey, celebrating Thanksgiving in the American style is punishable as “slandering the Turkish nation.”
In North Korea, everyone is thankful for everything every day and there are no ungrateful people anywhere ever.
In the Solomon Islands, Thanksgiving is held a week later than in the United States, so as to allow for as scrupulous a reenactment of the televised portions of the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade as can be managed with local materials.
In China, on the eve of the People’s Day of Gratitude, the government distributes an itemized list of things for which citizens are to be grateful.