Tell your cats I said “Sunflowers blossom on the Pannonian plain.” They’ll know what it means.


  1. Belfry Bat says:

    The cats’ reply:

    • RepubAnon says:

      My cats told me that the message meant that I had to go to the Tokyo Fish Market and buy them a whole tuna…

  2. Hopefully that doesn’t mean that the Ukrainians are being pushed quite that far West.

    • Belfry Bat says:

      Ah! While sunflowers are indeed now beloved of many European countries, they are in fact an American lineage of aster(those that farmed in America before the name “America” was invented favoured big plants, thus breeding sunflowers and American corn aka “Indian Maize”, not to mention pecan trees); so, you see, the message really means that Americans sent to march East from Dalmatia are much taken by that countryside, and have instead settled in. The cats must have thought it was obvious.

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