Cocktail.—A mixed drink consisting of one or more alcoholic beverages combined with flavoring agents of various sorts. So called originally from tasting like something that came out of the back end of a rooster.
Mocktail.—A mixed drink formed on the analogy of a cocktail, but containing no alcohol, invented as a practical joke upon drunkards.
Docktail.—Any mixed drink favored by sailors and served near the docks at a seaport. The best-known is the Captain Jack Rackham Docktail, which consists of rum mixed with a different brand of rum.
Schlocktail.—A cocktail with a name too silly to be mentioned in mixed company.
Hocktail.—A specialty cocktail so expensive that is is necessary to pawn one’s watch or jewels to pay for it.
Groktail.—A strong cocktail that causes the drinker to feel well informed on every subject.
Shocktail.—A mixed drink with an unpleasantly unexpected ingredient, such as brightly colored candy-coated chocolates.
Smocktail.—A mixed drink favored by artists and usually involving absinthe.
Clocktail.—The last drink before closing time.