Q. How can I make the taskbar smaller so it doesn’t take up so much room on the screen? I used to be able to do that, but now I can’t find the setting.
A. You can’t. We took that option away.
Q. How can I pin a file to the taskbar, like I used to be able to do?
A. You can’t. We took that option away.
Q. How can I make the clock in the taskbar display the seconds?
A. You can’t. We took that option away.
Q. How can I make searches from the taskbar open in my default browser instead of in Edge?
A. You can’t. We took that option away.
Q. Well, guess what, Microsoft! I found a neat little utility that restores all those capabilities. Now I can do all the things I want to do with my own computer.
A. Thank you for informing us! We just updated your operating system. Now you can’t, and the programmer who created the utility has died in a mysterious accident.