
Learn to Read. This man knows the name of the capital of Bul-garia. He understands how water mills work. He knows who won the battle of Camifex Ferry. He can identify Impatiens pallida and tell it at a glance from Impatiens capensis. How does he do it? This man has learned to read. Reading, the interpretation of written marks on paper or on a screen, is a source of both information and entertainment to mil-lions. Wouldn’t you like to be one of the fortu-nate ones who have mastered the secret art of literacy? Send for our free 158-page book, How to Learn to Read at Home Without a Teacher. You’ll be happy you did.


  1. Occasional Correspondent says:

    Battle of Camifex Ferry?  Gurgle finds Carnifex Ferry, not Camifex.  Did the adjacent r and n undergo typographic fusion and become m-form, or are my aging eyes misreading the text?  Typographic fusion releases the energy that powers Murphy’s Law, I understand, also Muphry’s Law, and its decay products impair eyesight.

  2. tom says:

    But doesn’t everybody’s smart phones read to them? Why bother with these eye-things when the ear-things work just as well or better?

  3. Richard A says:

    My mom grew up in Reading. And taught me reading.

  4. Belfry Bat says:

    Where to begin….?

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