Remington Deluxe Model 5

Transcribed below.

The Duke, he would a-hunting go
To catch a wild girazzle.
His porters brought his frambling bow,
His perinog, his bazzle,
His patent Youghiogheny sling,
His banjo, and his uke:
In fact, they brought out everything,
But they forgot the Duke.


  1. Fred says:

    I bet Girazzle goes good with razzleberry jelly.

  2. maureen says:

    John Wayne had perinog??

  3. Raffles Longbar says:

    A girazzle imbibing a Youghiogheny Sling will rediscover the toxicity of nutmeg to girazzles.  A girazzle mixing any of the cocktails descending from the Gin Sling should omit the nutmeg or substitute powdered rust.

  4. camelopardalis says:

    I have heard that the Duke himself is a girazzle, albeit domesticated.  It is why he initiates these hunts but, somehow, is always “forgotten”.

  5. On the Dangers of Mixing Orange Cats and Typewriters says:

    Dr. Boli from All-eg-henny
    Had a typewriter most unkenny
    It had six thousand ninety keys
    And typed in 360 degrees.
    This monstrosity, with clacking din,
    Could even type in mandarin!

    From his seat on this contraption,
    Boli typed in mad distraction:
    advertisements, comedies,
    A dictionary meant for bees,
    Four and seventy radio plays,
    The secrets of our future days.

    Once Mister Olly Polly cat
    Thought to spy what he was at
    Now monsieur Olly Cat was orangey
    Which is to say – his brain was sproingy.

    When from above investerating,
    He found himself defenestrating.
    Plunged from height of seven meters
    into whirring feed and levers.

    It bonked his tail, it bonked his nose,
    It played Puccini on his toes;
    It pinched him every way he knew
    Till orangey cat was looking blue.

    When from machine extracticated
    Olly’s wrath was not abated.
    “I’ll bring a claim, I’ll bring a tort!
    I’ll sue for every dime you’ve gort.”

    “Dear sir”, said Boli with a frown
    “I’m sorry you are feeling down.
    I believe that it was Pope who taught us
    A little learning’s danger to us.
    So what, pray tell, can be expected,
    when type and folly are connected?”

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