Transcribed below. The typewriter is a Tower Constellation (made for Sears by Smith-Corona) with a special-ordered Elite Gothic 16 type face—a combination that may be unique in the world, since the type was not offered with this model in Sears catalogues.

Toer Constellation


Water, sugar, soybean paste,
Marmot powder, gluten waste,
Ground chicanery, camel whey,
Trolley transfers, buckwheat hay,
Monosodium glutamate,
Brown stuff from an unmarked crate,
Juice of one aronia berry,
All the pickles we could carry.
It won’t do you any favors
To list the artificial flavors.


  1. tom says:

    Double, double, toil and trouble; fire burn and cauldron bubble. And voila, a delicious luncheon appetizer.

  2. DSmolken says:

    Is aronia the English name of that berry? I had assumed it must have some other confusing name.

  3. Animals Most Unaccountably Overlooked by the Poets says:

    The paleozoic trilobite
    Is at parties quite polite
    He sits and waits and does not tock
    And thus is oft mistook for rock.

    Of all the stuff which sort of lives
    The laziest are viruses-
    (They do not live themselves you see,
    But steal their life from you and me).
    Or so I supposed
    Till jaundice brought me HDV,
    which thieves its life from HBV!
    (A most efficient particle
    To parasitize a viracle.)

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