In the course of preparing a page on Slavery in the United States for his Eclectic Library, Dr. Boli ran across a pamphlet entitled “The Despotism of Freedom; or the tyranny and cruelty of American republican slave-masters, shown to be the worst in the world; in a speech, delivered at the first anniversary of the New England Anti-Slavery Society, 1833.” It was published by the Boston Young Men’s Anti-Slavery Association for the Diffusion of Truth in 1833, and inside the front cover is the text of the Constitution of the Boston Young Men’s Anti-Slavery Association for the Diffusion of Truth, or BYMASADF, as we suppose it was familiarly known. “Article 1: This Association shall be called the Boston Young Men’s Anti-Slavery Association for the Diffusion of Truth.”
The last article is a mechanism for amendments to this constitution, and we have an amendment to propose.